Matt and Teri were born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska and chose to raise their family and build their lives there, until God prompted them to make a change.
They both were involved with missions in college and for a short time after. Once they were married and had children, it was something they put on hold until joining Christ Community Church (CCC) in Omaha in 2010. While attending CCC Matt and Teri became involved with youth ministry and the family enjoyed helping with community outreach.
In 2012 they both started sensing the call to missions from God, and two years later, they left everything and moved to the Dominican Republic for 2-years with Envision. While in the DR, the entire family participated in the many different ministries, which led them to the opportunity to open a new Envision Site in Miami in 2016 where they are currently Site Coordinators.
Horacio has been serving the Lord at Christ Community Church (First Alliance Church of Miami) for 42 years and believes that the Lord has been working in his life and has given him many opportunities to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.” Horacio served in several positions in the church including being the interim pastor from 2004 to 2009. He is currently the assistant pastor, helping the lead Pastor minister to the church. He has been married to Delia for 45 years and they have 3 children and 9 grandchildren.
Horacio is now retired from Sears where he held several positions and his last was the Regional Operations Manager for Miami, Orlando, Pensacola, New Orleans and Puerto Rico. When he retired the Lord gave him a heart to get involved with the area pastors to pray and support them. He also became involved with Envision Miami helping Matt and Teri with this ministry. He loves to be involved with people and seeing them being transformed by God in becoming a new creation. He loves to worship thru music, reading His Word, spending quality time with the Lord, and hearing good messages. His heart is to bring glory to God in all that he does and realizes that sharing the gospel with others brings Him glory and honor (Isaiah 43:25). He knows that Jesus has commissioned us to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:18-20) and is committed to bringing God glory by reaching others for His Kingdom.
Doug attended Christ Community Church in Omaha, Nebraksa for ten years in which he volunteered with the mission department for five of those years. Doug has led over 40 mission trips including those to Jamacia, Beliz and now Miami. “I truly love what God is doing through Envision Miami. I am so thankful to serve wtih Matt and Teri.”
Doug and his wife Cyndee have been married for 47 years with have two adult children and seven grandchildren. Doug retired from Hyvee Food Stores in 2009 at the age of 53. In July of 2022 Doug and Cyndee moved to Venice, FL where they attend Grace Community Bible Church. Doug continues to pour into those around him by volunteering with the 180 House, an affilitation with Youth for Christ.
Matt Branham is a web/graphic/game designer from Akron, Ohio. He remotely assists with the technical things with Envision Miami, but he occasionally flies down to help out. Matt is a 2011 graduate from The University of Akron and a 2023 graduate from the C&MA LEAD ministry program. His writings have been featured in the CDCMA Advance newsletter. He has one wife who he loves a lot!
Matt has recently published a Scripture-based point-and-click adventure called SANCTUARY, and you should totally check it out!